FRIDA is a program by the Internet Addresses Registry for Latin America (LACNIC) that supports Latin American and Caribbean projects, initiatives, and solutions that contribute to the consolidation of a global, open, stable, and secure Internet.
FRIDA was created in 2004 with the support of two Canadian government entities: the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA) and the International Development Research Center (IDRC). Since its creation, this program has received contributions from LACNIC, the IDRC, the Internet Society, the Swedish Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Seed Alliance. FRIDA is currently developed, coordinated, and funded exclusively by LACNIC.
Projects, initiatives, and solutions are selected through annual, open public calls for applications coordinated by LACNIC under the guidance of an external selection committee comprised of regional experts in the categories and thematic axes defined for each call.
The main purpose of the FRIDA program is to support projects, initiative,s or solutions that contribute to the consolidation of a global, open, stable, and secure Internet. Two formats are available:
FRIDA Grants provide non-reimbursable funds and technical support to projects, initiatives, or solutions with a maximum duration of 12 months.
FRIDA Awards offer economic recognition and highlight projects, initiatives, or solutions with proven, concrete impact.
The projects that receive funding are selected through an annual, open and public call for projects and under the guidance of a selection committee comprised of regional experts.
Meet the members of this cycle’s selection committee: