Yafun Project
Based on a proposal presented that allows progress towards total digital connectivity of the Chilean territory, the project sought to understand the problem of resilience (tolerance to faults, attacks and catastrophes) of the Internet in general and apply this knowledge. The objective was to make an innovative proposal to improve the country’s connectivity in terms […]
Willay: gobernanza y ciudadanía a través de las tic en zonas rurales de Perú
Objetivo Mejorar la gobernanza democrática (participación ciudadana, transparencia, rendición de cuentas y gestión de servicios públicos) de instituciones públi- cas locales (gobierno, salud, educación y seguridad) y organizaciones sociales de las provincias peruanas de Acomayo (departamento de Cusco) y de San Pablo (Cajamarca), haciendo un uso innovador de tic apro- piadas al entorno rural. Principales […]
Virtual Digital Literacy Platform for Women in Argentina and Latin America
The foundation offers legal and technical advice on digital violence to women in Argentina who contact them. Their direct contact with digital users across the country has led the foundation to identify that there is often a widespread lack of knowledge among users regarding their digital rights, the platforms they use, their devices and technological […]
VE without Filters
Venezuela without Filters (VSF by its Spanish acronym) is a project that seeks to defend digital rights in Venezuela. To do this, it takes advantage of existing studies and recognized research results to document and obtain critical information on the scale of cyberattacks sponsored by the Venezuelan government against dissidents, independent media, and civil society […]
Understanding the impacts of Remote Peering on Internet routing
Our project aims to analyze Remote Peering (RP) deployment at Latin American IXPs and investigate its implications to Internet routing. By understanding the RP usage and its impacts on the control and data planes, we expect to provide transparency on which networks are remote at IXPs and help operators to assess the tradeoffs of RP […]
Title: Design and Implementation of a framework for the mitigation of DDoS attacks in the data plane of software-defined networks through AI and P4
The identification and mitigation of DDos cyberattacks using technologies such as SDN and artificial intelligence has been studied in recent years, obtaining satisfactory and promising results by training machine learning or deep learning models that act as an IDS that is deployed on the controller. This research group has been working on it in recent […]
The Right to Share on a Free Internet
Internet intermediaries are the key to freedom of expression and access to culture, they are the mediators of public discourse, and their platforms serve as a space for participation and the circulation of information. However, as a result of the legislation of their countries of origin, they have developed strict policies for managing intellectual property […]
Technical Implementation of DNSSEC for .py
This project proposes carrying out the technical implementation phase for DNSSEC deployment for zones delegated under the .py ccTLD; promoting the use of DNSSEC in the name servers managed by Telecommunications Service Providers, Web Hosting Providers and Paraguayan Government Agencies Organizations; and setting the stage for conducting education and information campaigns related to the used […]
Seguridad en el enrutamiento utilizando tecnología Blockchain
The general objective of the project is to analyze the properties of blockchain and its specific application in the assignment and delegation of resources of the Internet infrastructure, as well as in the security of external BGP routing against Route Hijacking or similar attacks. To carry out a route hijacking attack, no vulnerability or protocol […]
Segur@s en línea
The purpose of this initiative is to increase the visibility of online gender violence through open data, as well as to create a campaign to promote active and informed citizen engagement that will allow people to participate in the formulation of effective public policies that address prevention, education, and punishment, always within a framework of […]
Schools Internet of Things (IoT) Weather Monitoring Stations
This IoT project involves the building a weather stations in local schools in Dominica and developing a web platform where meteorological data will be posted to and made free available. Every school in Dominica receives Internet connectivity and most schools have an Internet lab. However, very little technological development results from the use of the […]
Rural Community Internet
Soluciones Tecnológicas TW has managed to expand Internet access by deploying its own infrastructure and wireless links in marginalized areas of the southern state of Yucatán, where most of the communities do not have access to mobile telephony, let alone access to Internet services. As a strategic component and for the purpose of optimizing the […]
Reducing the Digital Divide in Vulnerable Populations in the City of Córdoba Using WIFI and Unlicensed LTE Technology
The goal of the project is to reduce the digital divide in vulnerable areas of the city of Córdoba with little or no Internet access, using LTE base stations operating on unlicensed frequency bands for point-to-multipoint links. Thus, it seeks to enable access to the various services available online, including education, health, public services, and […]
Protecting the TOR Network against Malicious Traffic
Tor is an overlay network that enables anonymous communication between applications that communicate over TCP. This network serves hundreds of thousands of users, allowing them to decide when they wish to be identified, thus keeping their online data from being tracked and protecting the privacy of their activities against third party tracking attempts. Despite being […]
Promotion and Appropriation of Digital Rights to Guarantee Access to Information in Indigenous Languages
The expansion of community networks, the increasingly mandatory use of digital tools, and the rapid isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have left indigenous communities vulnerable with respect to the protection of their personal and collective information. This initiative seeks to enable the participation of indigenous peoples in digital environments, through the promotion and appropriation […]
Promoting Careers in ICT Among Secondary School Teenagers in Uruguay
By articulating outreach and teaching activities, female teachers and students of the Institutes of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering at Universidad de la República have developed an initiative to bring aspects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) closer to female secondary school students with the aim of encouraging them to pursue training in this area. […]
Pilot Project for Television White Space Technology in Montes de María, Colombia
This initiative comprises the design, implementation, and maintenance of a telecommunications network using Television White Space Technology to provide connectivity services for eight public schools located in the rural areas of the municipality of Ovejas (and the communities settled in their surroundings), in the department of Sucre, Montes de María subregion, in Colombia. This pilot […]
Peru IX – Cusco y Chiclayo, descentralizando el Internet de Perú
The Peru IX – Cusco and Chiclayo project seeks to decentralize the Internet in Peru, creating Neutral Interconnection Points in the cities of Cusco and Chiclayo, with which local and regional operators will be able to peer directly with each other, and with CDNs. The project consists of the development of the local infrastructure in […]
Optimización de redes mediante un mejor iBGP
This project seeks to achieve a systematic approach to internal BGP (iBGP) mesh design within an Autonomous System (AS). These meshes are an integral part of the operation of any large-scale network on the Internet. A good iBGP design within an AS is essential to take optimal advantage of the available paths. The general objective […]
OpenNetAudit – Open Network Security Auditing Tool
The goal of OpenNetAudit is to develop an application for network security auditing that allows users to check configuration and software objects following security best practices. The software will be composed of the most modern libraries, such as Napalm, Nornir, Netmiko, supporting standard formats such as yaml and json, to interact with network devices in […]
Open-source Virtual Broadband Network Gateway (vBNG) as a Software for Open Networking in the Cloud (SONiC) app for ISPs
Traditional BNG deployments often rely on proprietary and hardware-dependent solutions, leading to vendor lock-in, limited scalability, and challenges in adapting to evolving network requirements. The project addresses these issues by leveraging SONIC NOS and its open-source nature to develop a virtual BNG solution that is hardware-agnostic, scalable, and flexible. The primary objective is to create […]
Online Safety Tools for Vulnerable Groups in the Caribbean
Many instances of abuse that used to occur offline have been transferred to online spaces or intensified by the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). Particularly, women, girls, and the LGBTQ+ community are disproportionately affected by severe forms of online abuse including revenge porn and cyber-stalking. This problem is exacerbated in small closely-knit communities […]
Okamasüei (White Man’s Technology in Cabécar)
The Sulá Batsú cooperative and the Network of Cabécar Women in Alto Pacuare are developing a digital application that will generate, in Costa Rica, conditions to counteract the risks of indigenous knowledge extractivism with the penetration of connectivity into their territories. This project seeks to strengthen indigenous women through their appropriation of knowledge on how […]
NuestraRed.org has been operating in the departments of Risaralda, Quindío and Valle del Cauca, Colombia, for four years. It includes 23 nodes intended to provide Internet connectivity based on a sustainable, community-operated model in different locations, which were fully or partially disconnected and isolated prior to this initiative. The project network is implemented using open […]
Mx Center for Women in Technology (CMTMx)
The Mx Center for Women in Technology (CMTMx) is the result of the joint work of four women (Carmen Polanco, Mexico; Nathalia Sautchuk, Brazil; Paola Perez, Venezuela; and Erika Vega, Colombia) who are part of the regional Internet community and the collaboration of ANUIES, the National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions. The project […]
Mobile Lab for Developing STEM Skills Among Students and Graduates with a Degree in Childhood Education from Universidad del Magdalena
GINFED, the Spanish acronym used to refer to the research group working on the use of computer technologies for education, is planning to create a STEM lab for training students and women who have obtained their bachelor’s degree in Childhood Education from Universidad del Magdalena on the use of robotics applications (Scratch Jr, Scratch, and […]
Méxicoleaks is an independent whistleblowing platform for leaking information in the public interest of Mexico. In addition to offering a platform where whistleblowers can share information safely and anonymously, Méxicoleaks is an alliance of media outlets and NGOs working together to build a more transparent and democratic Mexico. Since its creation, the partners behind Méxicoleaks […]
Measuring the DNS in Latin America and the Caribbean: towards the development of regional indicators
LACTLD, together with the DNS Research Federation (DNSRF), proposes to develop a system of indicators to measure the evolution of the DNS ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean with a focus on ccTLDs. The project will seek to build a data matrix with the main variables for DNS analysis in the region, including data […]
Low-Cost Router with Algorithms for Long-Range Coverage
The goal of the project is to develop a modular system that allows connecting and expanding coverage for the interconnection of communities that do not have access to the Internet. Thus, the project will develop technology and conduct a study to design and build a programmable device that operates as a powerful router, allowing the […]
Low cost mobile broadband access networks for rural environments in farms and villages in the state of Mato Grosso
This project faces the challenges of serving the digitally excluded population due to the precariousness or lack of connectivity supporting ISPs. It then considers the implementation of a broadband mobile network, with 4G LTE technology using free software, filling the accessibility gap in terms of the cost of accessing the connection. The main participants in […]
LibreRouter V2.0: Evolving Technological Sovereignty
This project seeks to provide continuity to the LibreRouter stack, a series of hardware, software, documentation, and audiovisual support designed to technically and socially facilitate the development, deployment, management, and expansion of community networks. LibreRouter was created with funding provided by FRIDA and was the first project to be selected in two regions (the second […]
Community Networks have been depending since their inception on modifying existing off-the-shelf routers to adapt them to their particular needs. Software development originated in Community Network groups and the Free Software movement as a whole have pushed the barriers of innovation and helped commercial enterprises develop new products over the years. This virtuous relation between […]
LACTLD Anycast Cloud
The LACTLD Anycast Cloud is a collaborative network that seeks to strengthen DNS infrastructure and stability in Latin America and the Caribbean. Anycast is an addressing technology that allows an optimal and efficient use of networks. In an Anycast Cloud, a series of nodes (servers) store copies of the same database, which is made up […]
La Clika, Free Online
“La Clika, Libres en Línea” is an interactive transmedia campaign created in Mexico by Luchadoras and La Sandia Digital, two organizations that seek to raise awareness among young women and provide them with tools to avoid the dissemination of intimate images without their consent. By creating a campaign that allows generating collective and participative reflection […]
Janus – Framework para Gestão de Identidades e Acesso Descentralizado em Arquiteturas Zero Trust Network Access para a Internet das Coisas
With the aim of providing a new approach to identity management, which gives device owners greater control over their assets and strengthens a zero-trust network, Instituto Atlântico proposes Janus, a project that consists of developing a framework that allows issuing and managing Blockchain decentralized identities (DIDs) for devices and users of Internet of Things [IoT] […]
IPv6 deployment
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT) is the largest university of Northern Argentina and its community includes more than 80,000 people. The Rector’s Office connects UNT to the Internet and has a Class C IPv4 block and a link provided by ARIU (the Association of Inter-University Networks), as well as a /48 IPv6 prefix. Currently, IPv6 […]
IoT Honeypot Deployment in Latin America and the Caribbean
This is a joint initiative by CEDIA and The Shadowserver Foundation that will deploy a large-scale honeypot sensor network in Latin America and the Caribbean, building upon the technology developed by Shadowserver for automating honeypot deployments and CEDIA’s CSIRT expertise. The network will enable a unique view of IoT threats in the region and, together […]
Internet Measurements in One Country for Regional Connectivity, Latency, and Stability Studies
Based on the study presented by LACNIC in early 2021 titled “Connectivity in the LAC Region: 2020,” this project will conduct an in-depth study of connectivity in Panama, its latency, and peering agreements between Panamanian providers and autonomous BGP systems, including information on each of the country’s ten provinces. The study will allow obtaining real-time […]
Internet Connectivity and Lighting for the Yunguillo Native Council
The goal of this initiative is to bring Internet service to the inhabitants of the Mayor Yunguillo Native Council, located in the Putumayo department in Colombia, by creating a WiFi Internet mesh network for public use with connectivity provided by a third party, all of which will be supported by the Un Litro de Luz […]
In@Web: Accessible Website Generator
The purpose of this project is to build a Content Management System (CMS) with native accessibility for both generating and consuming content and which also allows content producers with disabilities to use the tool with complete independence. The project will be developed in six stages: a survey on website accessibility guidelines, a study of strategies […]
Implementing a CoAP Proxy in the Contiki-NG Operating System for 6LoWPAN Networks
The general objective of the project is to implement the proxy feature for the CoAP protocol in the Contiki-NG operating system. This will contribute to the development of the Contiki-NG open-source project, allowing academia, companies, and government agencies to use this feature in embedded devices without the need for additional hardware and robust software libraries […]
Health Online Indicators in LAC: Access to Safe and Affordable Health Solutions Using the Internet – Study on Telemedicine and Purchase of Medicines Online
The “Health Online Indicators” project will present, in an easily readable form, five indicators that can help enable access to safe and affordable health solutions using the Internet in LAC. The information that will be part of this dataset will be taken from various national laws, executive orders, communications from national authorities, and academic research. […]
Hablando con Julis (Speaking with Julis) v 3.0 – Español e Inglés
Hablando con Julis (HCJ) is a technology solution for people with speaking, reading and writing difficulties. Recognized by MIT Technology Review as the Social Innovation of the Year, it has already reached more than 5,000 users in Latin America and shown great results. The idea was born as a result of a personal need: Julis […]
Generaciones futuras. Programa para la inclusión y el talento digital intercultural
The project seeks the design, discussion and implementation of a digital literacy curriculum for young people from 13 to 20 years of age with an intercultural and gender approach. It arises from the identification of needs and the evaluation of a critical context for education in Bolivia. According to a recent report prepared by UNICEF […]
Free and Safe Online: Empowering the LGBTIQ+ Community in Paraguay
In light of the urgent need to strengthen digital wellbeing and security among the LGBTIQ+ community in Paraguay, considering organized online attacks, hacking, the creation of fake profiles, extortion, information theft and manipulation, and many other actions that violate their right to appear and express themselves in free and safe digital spaces, the purpose of […]
Fomento al desarrollo de pequeños productores en zonas rurales de Mendoza, Argentina, a partir del Acceso a Internet posibilitado por el uso de energía solar
The main objective of the project is to use the advantages of the Internet to promote and enhance the development of productive activities carried out, mainly, by women and/or members of native peoples in rural areas with high vulnerability and limited or no access to electricity. in the Province of Mendoza, Argentina. In the implementation […]
Expansion of Congestion Latency Optimization Algorithms
The project will expand the congestion algorithm for latency optimization developed by Universidad de Palermo so that it can be executed from both the side receiving and the side sending the data. The algorithm currently works from the side receiving the data and optimizes the reception window to reach available network capacity without causing packet […]
Enabling Internet and Connectivity for Remote Locations Using LoRa in a Mesh Topology
The proposal consists of developing low-cost devices for the construction of interconnection infrastructure that will allow connecting people living in remote and unconnected areas of Latin America, such as northwestern Brazil. The goal of the project is to build a device with low installation and maintenance costs and which can be used to provide basic […]
Editatona, Bridging the Gender Divide in Wikipedia
Editatona, a women’s editathon, was born at the end of 2014 with the aim of reducing the gender divide in Wikipedia. As many other technological projects, the online encyclopedia suffers from an unacceptable gender divide which is reflected in the number of collaborators (only 1 out of 10 wikipedians is a woman) as well as […]
Digital Mapping
There are more than 300 informal settlements in the metropolitan area of Guatemala. The goal of the Digital Mapping project is to design a methodology that can be used to identify risk factors and areas, and then apply this methodology in pilot settlements so that it can be assessed, improved and replicated in others. Information […]
Derecho a apelar: herramientas y conocimientos para la autodefensa de derechos humanos en el ámbito digital
The project seeks to develop a tool -online and automated- to guide and accompany the processes of appeal against censorship or content removal (takedown) by the large online platforms. This tool will provide step-by-step information for making the appeal on the main platforms, but fundamentally accompanying the steps with contextual information and strategic suggestions to […]
Deployment of Community Networks in the Traslasierra Valley
The goal of the project is to connect communities of the Traslasierra Valley in Córdoba, Argentina, that have little or no Internet access using wireless network infrastructure. The project will complete an infrastructure deployment that began years ago with the support of the Internet Society in the departments of San Alberto and San Javier. In […]
DDoS Attack Identification and Mitigation in Software-Defined Networks for IoT
The mitigation of cyberattacks using emerging technologies such as SDN and NFV has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this research is to identify and characterize the main attacks that can occur in new-generation network architectures that include IoT devices, and to design strategies that will allow the rapid deployment of high-level security policies […]
Data Quality Assessment for Machine Learning in Network Security
The project addresses a pressing issue on network security research and development, which is the lack of explainability in innovative ML-based solutions applied to identifying, preventing, and responding to attacks in the Internet infrastructure, especially considering the rise of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices and zero-day malwares. While this issue is not unique to Latin America, the […]
Data Protection System Based on Anonymization Techniques and in Accordance with Privacy Laws
Given that the trend among companies and government institutions is to deploy online and cloud services to modernize their business models, they may be vulnerable to intrusion attempts and data leaks. This project proposes an innovative way to protect sensitive user data for different customers (private companies, government agencies, among others) through anonymization techniques and […]
Creating capacities for women and girls in the Chitara Cerritana: We are Guardians of the Páramo
This project seeks the implementation of wireless and sustainable communication technologies in the local communities of the Almorzadero páramo, including community radios, satellite communication systems and long-distance communication networks based on WIFi, seeking to improve connectivity and communication between the páramo communities, which will help promote social, economic and cultural development in these isolated areas […]
Continuous Monitoring Tool
NIC.ar seeks to develop a software solution that allows the constant, automatic and periodic monitoring of all the domains registered with a NIC, in order to observe their compliance with the various standards defined at the global and regional level and with the best practices defined within the domain ecosystem, such as the use of […]
ComuREDE is an initiative for empowering communities through open and accessible technologies that seeks to promote Internet access and quality of life in peripheral areas. ComuREDE has developed a platform for providing free wireless and community Internet using infrastructure that is also used to address the problem of an irregular and scarce water supply. The […]
Computer Waste Management Plant of Node TAU / Right to a healthy environment, social and labor inclusion and digital inclusion
The Computer Waste Management Plant is a social enterprise promoted by Nodo Tau aimed at the environmentally correct management of technological waste, recovering materials for production, avoiding the extraction of natural environments and their contamination and promoting the creation of youth employment and the reuse of equipment for a second useful life, especially in community […]
Community Providers in Brazil
The great challenge for humanity —a challenge that involves governments, private actors, academia, civil society and society in general— is to connect the next billion individuals to the Internet, those whose access has been identified as a fundamental right, essential for the realization of their freedom of expression, association, access to information and other economic, […]
Community Networks as a Social Program
Colnodo provides communications services to Colombian and regional organizations to facilitate the sharing of information and experiences at the local, national and international levels using low-cost networks. Through its strategic programs, the organization has prioritized issues such as human rights, the improvement of conditions for women, governance, democracy and citizen participation, sustainable development, the democratization […]
Community Communications Networks for Strengthening the Circular Economy and Social Exchange in La Macarena, Meta
Seeking to promote a transformation in the relationship fabric that bonds the actors of the agro-ecological and tourism sectors, this project proposes strengthening community initiatives and alternative economy processes in the municipality of La Macarena-Meta, prioritizing the participation of women and the strategic use of information technologies. To do so, the project will work on […]
Colombian Blockchain Network: Development of Skills from a Laboratory for Social Applications and the Appropriation of Blockchain Technology in Colombia
With the mission of promoting scientific and academic initiatives of national interest, thus contributing to strengthening the Colombian ecosystem of research, science and education on Blockchain, this innovative initiative seeks to build an active community for the development of skills and an innovative laboratory for social applications. in Blockchain. Create a link between advanced and […]
Coding Rights – Women in Technology Award
Coding Rights is a group of Latin American women based in Brazil and dedicated to the promotion of fundamental rights in the digital world by integrating knowledge and use of technology and the arts in public policy and other processes. Through three specific initiatives, the organization worked on promoting the critical use of digital technologies, […]
Citizen Laboratory for Gender Equity in ICT
This project proposes a set of activities designed from a gender perspective so that women and girls achieve an effective insertion into the digital world, based on a breakdown of gender digital gap indicators for rural areas with basic and advanced digital skills. In parallel, gender-based violence that is reproduced in the digital context such […]
Caribbean IXP Directory and Traffic Monitoring
The objective of this project is to develop repository of information about the Caribbean IXPs. This repository will be the place to share are find information about the IXPs in the Caribbean Region including details such as contact information, location and IXP traffic statistics. This multi- country project seeks to bridge the information deficient gap […]
BIDYA: Digital and Accessible Library
BIDYA seeks to act on some of the factors that affect the educational track of children, teenagers and young people with visual disabilities. Its goal is to offer tools that will favor their reinsertion and continuity in the formal education system, thus guaranteeing equal opportunities. The limited availability of study material in braille, audio, electronic, […]
BGP Security in RENATA’s Infrastructure
The project involves the implementation of origin validation for BGP routes in RENATA’s network backbone, which provides interconnection services to SNCTI in Colombia and the rest of the world. Specifically, the project will focus on the major exchange points in Bogotá (which provides connectivity to the Clara Network) and in Barranquilla (which provides Internet connectivity). […]
Atalaya Sur. An Experience in Community Connectivity and Popular Appropriation of Technology
Since 2014, Atalaya Sur has been developing a proposal for the popular appropriation of technology in Villa 20 (Buenos Aires, Argentina), for which the association has been addressing three lines of work: the fight for the Internet as a right, the democratization of the production of content and discourse, and the promotion of technological vocations […]
Assistance to Mayan leaders of the Digital Community Centers
New Sun Road Guatemala, S.A. has worked on the creation of twenty Digital Community Centers (CCDs) with solar energy and internet connectivity in rural communities with indigenous populations in Guatemala, more than two thousand women were trained in digital skills, video tutorials were generated in Q’eqchi and Chuj languages, more than two hundred women were […]
Armonía: ICTs and Local Development from the Socio-Educational Perspective of Schools
The Armonía project creates digital education media in schools with the participation of the community, in order to contribute to local human development in rural communities. The project was implemented in more than 20 communities in the Municipality of Segundo Frente, Santiago de Cuba Province. These communities rely mostly on agriculture, and primary schools and […]
Analyzing the unintended security implications of AS-Path Prepending to security
The aim of the project is to analyze the deployment of AS-Path Prepending on the Internet and to understand its implications for Internet routing security by providing knowledge that allows network operators to assess the tradeoffs of using AS-Path Prepending for unbound traffic engineering. This project is the first one that seeks to understand the […]
Amazon Digital Radio Network using HF
This project provides a digital communication infrastructure for traditional communities in the isolated rural rainforest areas in Acre State, in the Amazon region of Brazil. This research is the continuation of the Fonias Juruá academic research project where, in 2015, five High Frequency (HF) radio stations were installed inside the Alto Juruá Reserve, in communities […]
AgriNeTT: e-Agriculture in the Caribbean
AgriNeTT is an e-Agriculture project which infuses ICT into the agriculture sector of Trinidad & Tobago to build a knowledge intensive agriculture economy. The project provides ICT tools for the farming community and agricultural institutions to help to drive economic growth of the agriculture sector and increase its competitiveness. The project aims to increase agricultural […]
Acoso.Online: Technologies to Combat Non-Consensual Pornography
Acoso.Online is the first Latin American website for victims of non-consensual pornography. It provides straightforward guidelines on how to deal with the platforms involved, as well as with the legal, judicial, organizational and security challenges related to this type of violence against women and LGBTQI individuals. In June 2017, Acoso.Online was the first website launched […]
4G Community Network
In Mexico, approximately 12 million people do not have access to mobile or fixed bandwidth, and this substantially limits their chances of being informed and participating in the global economy and society. In terms of aggregate mobile coverage (including 2G, 3G, and 4G technologies), rural areas with less than 10,000 inhabitants are the most affected. […]
In this page, you will find the projects funded by FRIDA. Currently, the database displays the projects supported over the last 5 years. If you would like to update information about your project, please contact the program officer at frida@lacnic.net.